The Longest Journey Starts with a Single Step…


As a long time blogger, this is the format that I feel most comfortable using for my final design project for HarvardX Leaders of Learning online MOOC.  Btw, MOOC stands for massive open online course. These online classes are offered online gratis and when completed you earn a downloadable certificate of completion. The three that I am familiar with are as follows.

My platform of choice is WordPress and I feel it’s versatility lends itself to text, quotations, links, pictures, Ted Talks and videos. My design will not be theoretical but based in an actual  place or point of access, well, two in fact because I currently enjoy a North of the Border/South of the Border retirement lifestyle. No longer tied to either a ‘permanent’ location (either domestically, professionally or in life long blended online/f2f learning) I am free to create an optimal (yet totally portable and evolving) learning and teaching platform and enviroment that is totally custom designed and a close match for my current interests and aspirations.

I have even replaced my aging and obsolete Toshiba laptop (using Windows XP) that efficiently and competently took me through Educational Technology graduate school at the University of Calgary, Alberta Canada about seven years ago with a new exceptioally fast Hewitt Packardt model with Windows 8.1 and the latest version of Microsoft Office. Smaller in size than my previous laptop this lighter, portable version will fit quite nicely in my carry on backpack for the trip south come the dark, gloomy rainy days in November here on Central Vancouver Island. But for now, it is nicely set up on the end of a walnut dining room table next to a patio door at night in the dark of a quiet home in Hammond Bay, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.

Just one more thing: Each postings will be 750 words or less fitting within the confines of one or two screens..

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